Data Connections


This chapter describes how to link PostgreSQL as an external data source to the Morph platform.


First, select Connections at the top of the screen and press the Create button.

External Connection

The Create connection side panel appears on the right-hand side of the screen, where you can select PostgreSQL.

Create connection

The connection information entry screen will appear as shown below. Items marked with (*) must be entered.

Connection PostgreSQL

Account Connection Settings

Enter the following connection configuration items as required and press the Create button that appears in the bottom left-hand corner of the scroll down side panel.

  1. Host: IP address or hostname of the database server (e.g. (opens in a new tab)). localhost or is invalid; make sure it is accessible from the static IP address of the Morph platform (
  2. Username. The username used to connect to the database server.
  3. PasswordPassword used to connect to the database server.
  4. Database: Name of the database you wish to connect to.
  5. Port: Port number of the database server you wish to connect to.
  6. SSH Host: IP address or hostname when going through a stepping-stone server (relay host). localhost or are invalid. make sure that you are accessible from the Morph platform's static IP address (
  7. SSH Username: The username used to connect to the stepping-stone server.
  8. SSH Password: Password to be used when connecting to the stepping stone server. Not required if you are using a private key (SSH Private Key) with public key authentication.
  9. SSH Port: Port number of the stepping-stone server.
  10. SSH Private Key: Private key to be used when connecting to the stepping-stone server. Not required if a password is used.
  11. SSH Passphrase: Enter if a passphrase has been set for the private key (SSH Private Key). Not required if a password is used.

Completing the connection

After completing the Account section and pressing the Create button at the bottom left of the screen, next enter the Connection slug to complete the connection settings.

Connection slug: Uniquely identifies the connection to the external data source and cannot be empty. Set arbitrarily using only letters, numbers and underscores.

PostgreSQL Slug

When the connection settings appear in the Connections list, the configuration is complete.

PostgreSQL Complete